Company Products Work Order Contact
More informations and samples

At your request we can send you :
* pictures and technical information sheets by email

* samples for tasting

Order and terms of payment process

Because we want to guarantee to our customers a maximum security for
payment, we use the usual order system and method of payment as follow.


* You send us your purchase order by email.

* Regarding your order, we send you by email a proforma invoice for ordered products.

* after shipment, we send you all export documents following Country requirements

Payment process

Following our Bank agreement, we can offer you 2 possibilities:

1 - You pay proforma invoice amount by SWIFT transfert directly to our bank at the order before shipment = 2% discount.


2 - You pay proforma invoice amount by SWIFT transfert directly to our bank after COFACE  & Bank agreements ; payment at 60 days Bill of Lading.

3 - You open an irrevocable and confirmed Documentary Credit (L/C) through your bank for the payment of proforma invoice total amount; payment at 30 days Bill of Lading.



Philippe Salles >
Japan and European sales
Joël Martin > USA sales
Ding Xianghua Lilas > China sales
- email :
- direct mobile phone 00.33.(0) 



France Vins Diffusion
369 Chemin de Cornebouc
81600 Gaillac

Email :
Email :
Phone : (+ 33) 563 41 04 85
Mobile : (+ 33) 607 19 81 56
Fax : (+ 33) 563 57 34 77

Domaines Bonfils

Château Millegrand